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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Students Write - Prof. Martin's Class: Jerimi

My Community Matters
by Jerimi Jackson

The Humble-Westfield area in Houston is a poor little area with little to no development. For instance, I-45 is about 15 minutes away by car, which is the only means of transportation in this area. This is a gradually deteriorating and isolated from the more valued areas, at least this is an upside - no real traffic.
There are no buses, the closest mall is about a three-hour walk, and we have no real grocery stores in the area. There is Joe V’s down the street, which is still a 40-minute walk, but that means another 40-minutes carrying a large quantity of bags. There is always random road work, which increases traffic; not only that, but some traffic lights stop working.
There is little to no light because the street lights in my community are weak orange light bulbs with no real brightening qualities. There are no sidewalks and I am always two feet away from the road. Really, I often walk in the muddy ditch, or walk in the grass with road kill constantly laid on top. First there was the squirrel and then a dog, and a day later a dead cat appears.
The buildings that do not have any genuine business throughout the day are just discarded and set to deteriorate over time. The area is covered with crime. A week ago six police cars chased someone in a white car through the neighborhood and that was regular to the people driving. One day I was in the CVS store down the street and my sister saw a guy hop in the back of a pick-up truck and drove off with stolen beer.
Even through all the flaws and through all the hardships, this little area is what I call home. The people around are nice and look after each other; they will do whatever for you if you truly needed the help. All in all, the area is bad, but there is a tiny light of good here and there, and that’s the best part of the Westfield community; not everyone has good personalities, but I could say most have good intentions.

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