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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Students Write - Prof. Martin's Class: Diego

Aldine Community
by Diego Hernandez

My community is where I grew up and met all my friends from school. I wish the Aldine community was more involved with each other to help and make it safer for everyone that lives in the Aldine community. 
Aldine is important because it has helped me realize that I want more for myself than to keep living here. Also, it has helped me to keep staying in school and get a degree so I won't live struggling with bills or staying in a safe neighborhood. Playing soccer is what I like doing best and learning soccer here in my community was the best experience I had with friends and coaches.
Aldine is also important for everyone living here because it’s where kids play outside, where people walk to work or school, and where our family and friends live. Everyone should want to clean up Aldine and take care of our homes, especially making it safer for everyone in the streets and for homes.
Last year they started building more street lamps and sidewalks because we had a student die from a car hitting him. Also, my dad was at a local store down the street from my house and three guys came up to him with a gun trying to steal his truck and money. I had friends get jumped walking home just because they wanted to steal his hat.
I think that the Aldine community should come together and help change the community. It can change people lives and change their path in life. It would actually be really nice to be able to go for a walk at night and not feel fear.

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