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Monday, May 16, 2022

Composition Multimedia Project - Camryn

by Camryn

My Multimedia Project is to address a TED talk discussed in week 7 by Damon Brown titled “How To Choose Your News." Brown points out how the information on the internet uses opinions and facts from different sources to make their way into the news and how the opportunistic reader can tell what’s being brought from experience, what's being a rumored, created from false narratives. Being told bits and pieces of a backed-up source and in denial to use the source as the information but claiming the source from themselves. Social Media is the biggest highest watchable news /entertainment/communication platform that has been a thorn in my side and using these platforms for information when sends me farther and farther down the rabbit hole of scrolling. For a year I stopped using social media because of how much time I spent a day scrolling, and while I was on hiatus it was a moment for me to break the hiatus and do the same toxic cycle all over again. My use of gaining information has no direction it was just trusting one source and not considering the other viable ones out there. 

Considering his ideas, I now put more effort into using different sources to back up any information. Analyzing the difference between what is also opinionated and factual when looking for information on incidents, events, and tragedies. Even though Damon Browns TED Talk goes over how to be more open to more than one trusted source and how to be correct with concluding their thoughts. "If everyone's a reporter then nobody is" (Brown 1:41-1:43). Understanding this quote Brown took a while to understand the text because my thought process sometimes is slow. This quote hit home because thinking on if every cell body is the same then we wouldn't be humans so getting the truth online is troubling when everyone is on the same page and understood what was said about a certain topic would pointless. “When you can't get full story read coverage from multiple outlets" (Brown 3:02-3:12). This has dawned upon me knowing that getting one viable source that agrees with you is going to be invalid to speak on it So it's better to get multiple that agree in the same way. Considering water intake for humans is substantial because, without water, our body would crumble into a goo of an unfiltered mess." newscasters and bloggers have posted updates and recordings from the midst of the chaos. Though many of these later appear in articles or broadcasts, keep in mind that these polished versions often combine the voice of the person who was there with the input of editors who weren't" (Brown 2:12-2:27). Listening to this opened my ears because anything can be twisted to the editor’s perspective.

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