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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Students Write - Prof. Martin's Class: Adela

My Mission in Aldine
by Adela Legorreta

My parents came to this country hoping for a safer place to call home for his family. They brought us in hopes for their children to have a brighter future, bringing me at the age of three to Aldine, Texas. Aldine has become a town where -- as a little girl I’ve always had a love for animals -- make my dream of becoming a veterinarian and help animals in my community.

Through the years, I’ve noticed a majority of upgrades in my Aldine community. I see new sidewalks and new school buildings, yet opened my eyes to the animal cruelty around me. In contrast to infrastructure, the number of stray animals in my community increased.

The kind of animal neglect I see on the streets breaks my heart. Aldine is an area where you see dogs dead on the streets or abandoned, becoming hungry strays. As these different situations happened around me, it motivated me to make a change in my community.

Aldine has also been a safe space for migrants, and because of the decision my parents, I’ve been given a huge opportunity to become what I want to be. I have been given the opportunity to continue my education by becoming a DACA recipient. By becoming a veterinarian, I would have more knowledge about animals and other ways I can help by using different resources.

My purpose is to one day share my knowledge with my community. Knowledge is power and by sharing ideas, comments, and knowledge can make a huge impact to my community. Having a better community can be a start to a great future that one day I hope to see.  

Adela is a current student in Professor Bruce Martin's writing class.

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